Monday, February 27, 2012

How We Met..

One of my favorite bloggers Little Miss Momma has been telling her love story on her blog. She’s inspired me to tell how I met Josh.
Let's start with the beginning...

The first time I laid eyes on Josh was a hot August day. I was moving into my dorm on GVSU’s campus. I was in a fluster. I was trying to unpack my stuff, meet all the kids in my dorm, and make it to the school I was coaching at for pictures. It dawned on me that I needed to get the KEYS to my dorm, I was directed to another building. Standing in that building passing out some silly item was the cute RA from the second floor of our building. Little did I know then that, that was the boy I’d marry. I wish I could say there was a big A-ha moment, but there wasn’t. I’m sure I quickly just grabbed whatever it was that he was giving the new residents and left.
(That was the day!)
Freshman year went on like it did for most freshmen in college. I made lots of new friends, got dumped, ate lots of cafeteria food, spent a lot of time coaching, and struggled to keep up with homework. I even got a nice little job as a desk assistant for one of the other dorms. A job that I would give RA’s the “duty phone”. Low and behold I ended up having to create small chat with Josh on multiple occasions as he would come to the desk to pick up the phone. I even remember telling my cousin (who was my roommate) that the RA on the 2nd floor was just sooo cute! (Which I am also sure was a common saying coming out of my mouth about any good looking boy.)
At the end of the semester I decided to move home. But that’s not where the story ends..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

You either seem to love this day or hate it.
I choose LOVE!

You don't have to make it a hallmark holiday and spend lots of money. Just merely saying I love and appreciate you is what makes the day worth while.

How I spent Valentine's Day:
My little friend Jackie O. sent me a little valentine note... adorable.
My future in mother in law sent us a package full of all kinds of goodies... adorable.
My fiance taped a silly homemade card on the front door... adorable.
My puppy gave me a kiss this morning... adorable!
Tomorrow, is the BIG day though. The Valentine's Day party in 3rd grade!

It doesn't matter how you express your love, as long as you express it.
Not just on Valentine's Day, but every day!

So I leave you with this..

My two favorite Valentine's. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 5, I haven't forgot

Sooo... Remember when I started that 30 day photo challenge?
Well, I haven't forgot about it!
So here it is.. Day 5!

Day 5: Someone I love

I love a lot of people, so this one was truly a challenge.

But hey, since I'm gonna marry the boy, I thought I'd choose Joshy!

Now for the big question, Why Josh?
I think the real question should be, Why not?

I remember telling my cousin, when I started dating the R.A. on the second floor (Josh) that if we started dating, we wouldn't break up.
That's a pretty bold statement for a 18 year old college freshman.
If only I knew then just how awesome of a person he would be and how strong of a couple we would truly become.

When we first started dating I remember thinking that we were way to comfortable around one another.
We were always silly around one another and spent a lot of time laughing.
Josh continued to show me how genuine and caring he was.

3 years later, we are planning our wedding.
We still laugh as much as we did the first few weeks.
We still are wayyy to comfortable around one another.

And I still think that he is the most kind, sweet, and caring person I have ever met. He is the guy that my Dad dreamed I would marry.