Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whirlwind Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

I have been a little MIA lately. Life and the craziness this next year will bring to my life is officially in swing.

Last week I spent the week with J and his parents on Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful week on the lake! 

Since being home, school has officially started at the University. Since I am student teaching, I don't have much to do there though. I have helped out in my classroom and will continue to do so this week. Students will start next Tuesday! Ahh!

Between wedding planning and student teaching I'd be lying if I said that my stress level isn't through the roof. I kinda just thought that the stress would come a little later on. 

Today I plan on relieving a bit of that stress...
I plan on getting lunch with one of my friends, doing wedding crafts, and relaxing at home until I have to take off!

How do you all get through the stressful times?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adios Summer

I don't know about everywhere else in the U.S.A. but the weather here in Michigan has already begun to tell us that Summer is coming to an end.

I start in the classroom next week and have kids back at school the next week! 

Although I am going to miss the summer, I must say that I'm ready for the fall to begin.

I'm ready for hot apple cider, sweaters, football, and one last semester of college.

I'm ready for time with my sorority sisters before I head out into the big girl world.

For now though, I am going to enjoy this week off with J. 

It's not too often we find ourselves having this much time off together. 

You might find me M.I.A. this week.. hope everyone is enjoying the last bit of summer as much as I am!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Remember This Moment

This morning I was driving to work sipping my iced coffee (guilty pleasure), reflecting on my morning & the day to come...
I do this nearly every morning.
The morning commute relaxes me because it gives me "Sami Time"
Time to reflect, think, predict, sing Taylor Swift like a crazy person...

While driving the song Long Live by Taylor Swift came on.

The first lyrics struck me:

I said remember this moment, in the back of my mind

It made me think of this morning: J and I being whinny and silly. 
It made me think of this summer: Loss, Love, Wedding Planning, Family Time.

Later in the song she says:

I said, Remember this feeling

It made me think of all the crazy wedding planning and how it makes my heart feel so happy because it means spending time with my family and starting a new life.

It made me think of the feeling I have in my gut about Student Teaching starting in a few weeks: The nerves, the excitement.

I want to remember it all.

Because life is good.. easy.. dare I say even a little stress-less.

I want to remember these moments and feelings so when we eventually wake up to a screaming baby or I have a bad day in my classroom I can put things into perspective.

I have got to experience a lot in my life and I am truly blessed.

Happy Friday everyone! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's ok!

I am linking up with Neely for ITS OK Thursday!

IT'S OK....

That I have looked at the preview of our engagement pictures a hundred times since yesterday evening..

That I worry about everything in the entire world and always fear the "worst case scenario"

That I have been going home to relax at night instead of being productive

That I have way to many nail polishes and still want new ones

To spend hours looking at make up online =]

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yes To The Dress

In April I said, "Yes to the dress!"

Yesterday, I was able to go pick up my dress (It takes a while to order those things!).

While waiting to use the rest room at the bridal shop I chatted with a woman who was there to watch her future daughter-in-law try on dresses. The woman was really sweet and she kept referencing "Say yes to the dress!" ...You know the TV show where women spend thousands and thousands of dollars on a dress?

Well, It got me thinking that for me trying on dresses was nothing like it seems on the TV show.

It was fun, don't get me wrong... But it also was stressful!

I remember walking into the first shop we went to and instantly feeling sick to my stomach.

The sheer number of dresses is so overwhelming. The millions of styles of dresses is overwhelming! 

Also, trying on dresses makes this lady HOT! I was roasting!

I ended up finding the dress "of my dreams" at an adorable bridal shop on the second time around.

My advice: Every dress is beautiful in its own way. If you don't feel the water works or "the feeling" its probably because it is possible there are millions of dresses that could be "the one".

Have fun shopping and pick one that you think is beautiful, comfortable, and your style! 

Monday, August 13, 2012


This weekend we had a little shindig for Josh's birthday! 

It was also kind of an engagement party... More like a reason to get our bridal party together to hang out!

We had a great time! I got the same feeling in my heart this weekend as I did when I went shopping for dresses with my bridesmaids.. I felt so blessed that all of our friends and family were there for us..

That my parents were setting up the house for us... 

everything that was happening that night was for us (well, mainly Josh!)

The party was a blast.. My dad fed everyone until their bellies could take no more..
We stayed up way to late and had a little too much fun!

Setting Up
We got a little spoiled this weekend too.. Josh's mom made us these pillows. The two smaller ones are where we grew up and the bigger one is where we will get married and it has our wedding date on it!

 She put them in this adorable bag!

 My friend Katie, who you can meet over here made us this cute little heart map! 

Words can't express how blessed I feel to have all the love and support that we have!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Sunday, Hello Monday

Via pinterest

This weekend was perfect... Surrounded by our loved ones at an engagement/Birthday party for Josh...

My heart is so happy.. The sense of joy I feel being with all those that I love is simply blissful.

I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend and has an even happier Monday.

I think I'll start my Monday out with Biggby and a muffin =]

Friday, August 10, 2012

Wedding Sign DIY

Crafting is one of the best things in the world to me.
I could literally spend hours making things...
When Josh and I got engaged we planned a longer engagement for a few reasons..
The most important being that I wanted to be done with school when we got married... But another reason was that I wanted to create a lot of the stuff for our wedding myself.
I have made a handful of things already and I thought I'd share one:

I couldn't get a great picture of this sign I made, but this will do! 
The barn wood I used is from our farm which has been in my family for years (and is where we are taking our engagement pictures soon!).

It was quite simple to make. Type up what you want your sign to say on your computer, print it, cut out the words to make a stencil, trace it on to the wood, and then paint it!

Here is what my sign looked like while I was stenciling it. The black letters aren't painted it is the stencil sitting on the wood. This picture also shows the look of the wood better!

I originally was going to use this sign for our candy bar at our wedding but have since decided that this is a little to "rustic" for our reception! If you know anyone interested in a sign like this let me know because I would be willing to sell it!

I have also made a sign for us to hold in our engagement pictures with our wedding date on it. I have that hanging in our house right now and even this "Love is Sweet" sign could look cute in a kitchen!

Another picture, before I added the tail onto the "S"

The process of creating these signs is a little time consuming, but I love the look of them!

What kind of DIY self projects do you like to do? Did you do any for your wedding?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Lovin' Had Me A Blast..

 Summer has been a "blasty" as Josh would say.. 
Between us both working a lot we have still managed to find time to partake in some summer adventures.. Such as golfing with our friend Mike and Myranda..

Myranda and I didn't golf... But we successfully drove the carts without crashing and found lots of golf balls for the boys!

Other summer adventures have included Daddy-Daughter dates for frozen yogurt and fresh produce..

We made a trip to the beautiful Lake Michigan last weekend as well. The waves were giant for Lake Michigan! Such a beautiful place..

 While summer is winding down, there is still so much to look forward too! 
I can't wait for the adventures to come!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Josh's Birthday Present

Josh is kind of a hard person to buy gifts for.

He is so content with the things that he has that there isn't much that he wants.
(I wish I felt like that)

So I made him this for one of his presents...

I found the idea on pinterest of course!
If you head over here you can get your free printables!
Marci the creator of these printables has every state and a map of the USA.
She also has the hearts that you can cut out.
On Josh's map I marked all the places we have been together (That I could remember!).
I got the frames at Marshalls for $8.
A cheap, cute, and thoughtful gift if I may say so myself! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


{If you could have dinner with any five people, who would they be?}
I am going to go ahead and assume that this is famous people (or people I don't know).... It would be too hard to do it with people that I know!
1. Emily Giffin (Author)
2. Ashley Stock (Blogger AKA Little Miss Momma)
3.Gabby Douglas (USA Olympic Gymnast)

4. Mem Fox (Author)
5. John Mayer (Musician)

Who would you have dinner with?!

Happy Birthday Love

Happy Birthday Josh!

I am so thankful for you on this day and always.

I can't imagine a more perfect best friend, soul mate, and dog dad!
You light up my days more than you will ever know.

I admire your hard work ethic and positive attitude.

What I want to tell you most of all on this day though is that I can't wait to grow old with you
& I can't wait to be your wife because you make me, me.

Love you babe! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 4!

{What is your favorite childhood memory?}

This isn't necessarily ONE memory, but one person who I shared a lot of memories with.

My big sister Eden was always my number one nemesis and also my number one supporter.

Growing up she spent her days screaming at me for all that I did wrong and then defending me to the death if anyone else dared to say anything the wrong way to me.

We shared lots of memories together.. Staying up late, playing games, swimming, playing Sega...

She has always been the best friend a girl could ask for. I am so lucky she is my sister and the biggest part of my childhood.